Lions' Breakfast
Who doesn't love a good breakfast with a cup of steaming coffee? Enjoy the most important meal of the day at our office cafeteria every Monday from 9.00 to 9.30h.
Lions' menu of yummy snacks and morning treats:
Frequently asked questions
Your most frequent and most delicate questions answered
Access Card
One card to open it all
You can simply enter the building using your access card. Remember to always keep the card safe with your belongings so you can access the workplace whenever you need it.
Hybrid Meeting Rooms
Online meetings can get tricky when some of the members are remote while others are at the office. No worries, we mixed offline and online for the best results! Our building has 4 Hybrid Meeting Rooms that feature the newest technology for the hybrid video call experience.
Call Booths
Zoom or Teams meetings are part of our daily life. If you’re having them at the office, we have prepared special call booth where you can get things done without interruptions or distractions.
Office Headphones
Do you need to hop on a call while your colleagues are in the middle of a brainstorming session? We got you covered.
From now on, you can enjoy uninterrupted meetings, no matter how noisy the surroundings. Just pick up your noise-canceling headphones @ the office.
Lunch Break
Nom-nom-nom-meetings during lunchtime, please! We'll do our best to avoid booking meetings or calls during the lunch break (13.00-15.00h), and you should too.
Bon appétit!
Log out, tomorrow is a new day
Finding the right work-life balance is a challenge for everybody. That’s why we strongly advise to wrap up the tasks and e-mails before 17:30h each day. This applies to weekends as well.
Of course, there will be exceptions, but let’s make sure they don’t become part of the new normal.